

Lorem ipsum



Lorem ipsum

Informations sur l'emballage

PET durable et entièrement recyclable

Le PET peut être très bien recyclé. Si l'on considère les différents emballages dans lesquels les aliments peuvent être emballés, le PET présente la deuxième plus petite empreinte écologique (juste après le verre consigné, mais bien avant le verre non consigné ou les emballages en aluminium). Pour une boutique en ligne, cependant, le verre consigné est une taxe environnementale car le verre est plus lourd que le PET, et l'expédition et la collecte créent une empreinte carbone plus élevée.

Ce produit est présenté dans un pot PET robuste que vous pourriez utiliser comme rangement pour des jouets, des vis ou d'autres choses..... Partagez avec nous comment vous les utilisez !



Lorem ipsum

Informations sur l'emballage

Produit en vrac dans un sac

Pour réduire notre empreinte, nous proposons nos produits en grandes quantités, afin de minimiser les déchets d'emballage.Ce produit est livré dans un grand sac.

Informations sur l'emballage

Produit en vrac dans un sac

Pour réduire notre empreinte, nous proposons nos produits en grandes quantités, afin de minimiser les déchets d'emballage.Ce produit est livré dans un grand sac.

Informations sur l'emballage

Produit en vrac dans un sac

Pour réduire notre empreinte, nous proposons nos produits en grandes quantités, afin de minimiser les déchets d'emballage.Ce produit est livré dans un grand sac.

All prices include VAT
Minimum order quantity
41343984763077 - 200 gr - 1 -
41343984795845 - 200 gr - 3 -

The real concentrato di pomodoro italiana, di Marco!

We have travelled all over Italy in search of the very best tomato passata, according to Pit&Pit standards. And we found it at Marco's. In the Piacenza region, Marco cultivates the healthiest tomatoes on a limited surface - and with passionate enthusiasm. Grown in the open air, they are.

And he processes the harvest himself into tomato products such as passata and concentrato. Far away from the agro-industrial circuit that dominates almost the entire tomato sector.

Biological and biodynamic cultivation

Our concentrato is organically grown, without the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.

Marco, however, goes one step further: throughout the entire production he uses the principles of biodynamic cultivation: a holistic approach to agriculture. He introduces spirituality and higher values into the process of growing food.

After all, in biodynamic farming the emphasis is mainly on the natural cultivation of the soil, because the soil is essential for the quality of the product, not the farming itself.

No mono-culture

The products grown on the land of this farm, in addition to tomatoes, are vegetables and grains. Together with green manure crops, this makes for a tremendously effective seasonal crop rotation.

The properties of the soil remain intact and this method ensures a stable quality without exhaustion. In short: Marco insists on only one tomato harvesting cycle per year, with harvesting as late as possible in the summer - in rhythm with the seasons.

Tomato concentrate - from real tomatoes, without additives

90% of tomato concentrate, as we know it from the supermarket, is made from "special" industrial tomatoes, which hardly resemble real tomatoes. They contain virtually no moisture, are elongated and very hard - so they can be transported and stacked in huge quantities without bruising.

Our concentrato di pomodori is made from real tomatoes. The concentrate is processed from the very last harvest of the season. Just as for our passata, the tomatoes are processed immediately after the day's harvest into a concentrate of the highest quality.

Of course it is not packed in tubes, but in a glass jar.

Use tomato concentrate organic

Tomato concentrate is used to thicken tomato sauces and other semi-liquid liquids such as soups and stews, to color them beautifully and to enrich their flavor.

Add water to deconcentrate.


This product contains no allergens.

This product is packaged and/or stored in a facility that also processes products containing nuts, peanuts, mustard, celery, gluten, sesame, soy and sulphite. Despite all precautions, this product may contain traces of these allergens.

Nutritional values per 100g
Energy (kJ/kcal)303/72
- of which saturated fats0g
- of which sugars7g